Friday, October 23, 2009
Rejoinder from a friendly critic
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Reason for Warren
Saturday, October 3, 2009
ASS--A Secret Society
A Secret Society serves the desire of those who want to be part of a secret society, but who wish not to be known as members of a secret society. You may think--isn't this the case for all members of secret societies? We disagree. Secret societies from the Knights Templar to the Rosicrucians to the Stefan George Circle to Skull and Bones to the Bohemian Grove always give names to their societies. Exoterically their names may sound harmless, but their names provide an indicator for those who are on the outside--names which allow outsiders to impugn all sorts of evil motives to them. One can speak, for instance, of the Masons, and one knows one is speaking about some group which distinguishes itself from the rest. This is no simple trade union of masons. This is a secret society and there is something dubious there to behold.
From our perspective, the case of the Masons is most emphatically not a secret society, because we are truly A Secret Society. The Masons, et al., are child's play compared to us. Everyone knows we exist, but noone knows our name. They simply think we are a secret society. We members of A Secret Society know better. Let others speak of the Knights Templar--we know better regarding what it's really about. We don't read Rene Guenon and Julius Evola for the forgotten knowledge of Tradition which will save the world. The world needs no salvation in that way. We don't read Karl Marx, and hence we have no need for a popular front. We're truly hidden in plain sight.
We members of ASS simply belong to a secret society. When asked if we belong to a secret society we can honestly answer, "Yes we belong to A Secret Society." When asked the name of this group we answer that we are obliged to keep the name secret, but we can easily admit that it is A Secret Society.
Our purpose is as indefinite as the indefinite article suggests, and this gives us the distinction we crave. In one way we are similar in intent to other secret societies. As with all such societies, one must become a member to know the deeper meaning of the things of A Secret Society. However, only we know the true way of secrecy.
If you wish to join A Secret Society, there is no doubt a rite of initiation. It is not too taxing, but for now its details must remain secret. You must ask a member of A Secret Society for them.
With us it all appears to be up in the air, as it were. But believe me when I tell you, there is A Secret Society, we are it, and it is looking for you.
The Father of My Best Friend's Wedding Planner
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Pastime that Everyone can Enjoy
Shooting Beer Cans With a .22 in Texas
Compared to shooting skeet, shooting beer cans with a .22 rifle is more fun, but there are no contests in this sport as far as I know. There’s no better time than now to make a push for its legitimacy.
Perhaps a little explanation is in order. First you need a rifle with a clip that holds fifty rounds or so. Semi-automatic action is to be preferred, but it doesn’t really matter. Once you acquire a gun and plenty of ammo, then you need to find some out of the way property. It is better if you own this land because law enforcement doesn’t take well to shooting guns on public property—let alone shooting on another’s private property.
In this sport the rules are relaxed. They change depending on circumstance, such as which teams are playing and whether it’s summer or winter. However, one inflexible requirement is a case of cheap beer (in cans of course). You may need several cases if there are many players. Seasoned players are best at deciding the proper number of cases. One rule of thumb has it that you do not want more than five or six players per match.
With all these pieces together you are ready to play.
Drive to the venue in the late afternoon and begin drinking. After a few minutes of comraderie (about 15 minutes or so) one of the players must “chunk” an empty can in the pond or what have you. Some sort of standing body of water is good, in that the cans float awaiting a hit, but cans may also be propped up on a log, a ledge, or any sort of precipice. However, this propping up requires more exertion, time and potential danger than “chunking” a can in the water. Besides, it takes away from the pleasures of “chunking.” So water is to be preferred.
Regardless of venue, each player has his or her (sometimes there are female players, but it depends on the team) shot at the can. Meanwhile beers are continually consumed at a relaxed pace in order to replenish the targets. If you get a hit, you can yell “look at that” or “hell yeah” as the can suddenly sinks or flies high into the air. With each hit, the other players offer their “ohs” and “goddams.”
While shooting, there is usually some schlock rock like Def Leppard playing from the speakers of a Ford (or Chevy) pick-up truck. To be sure, the musical choices and automobiles vary. Beer can shooting has been known to take place listening to contemporary indie rock from a BMW. Classic country is a favorite. At one match the Wu Tang Clan serenaded the players. Cigarettes are often smoked to excess, and there is much banter and laughter. The banter is of a lewder sort than that even found in some baseball dugouts. Depending on the teams, there may be illegal recreational drugs, but this is entirely optional because possession of both firearms and drugs can make one mighty fine felony. This is to be avoided.
If all goes well the sun has set by this time, and you are able to contemplate the stars. Wildlife—of the varmint and armadillo variety—appears, and before you know it the cases of beer are gone. Nonetheless, you're still shooting the gun. Someone may pull out a shotgun—say a 20 gauge—but at this point, all players know the game is near its end. Still, it all depends…
Overtime occurs when one player offers to make a "beer run," but this has been known to end in sudden death. It’s a risky move, and good players know whether or not to continue.
In this sport no one wins a medal, but all get drunk. Some even get laid—but this hopefully occurs afterwards.
Note: As with all sports, young ones must be shepherded into the finer points of its play. There are youth leagues that use pellet guns and coke cans. Please take care when dealing with our precious youth. They are the future.
Message from TBC--SSOIL (Texas Beer Can--Shoot the Shit Out of It League)