Education must have an end in view of the kind of person to
be educated, but speaking of such an end is surely grandiose and pretentious.
In egalitarian fashion you might ask, who the hell are you to educate anyone with
a view toward such an end regardless of what it is?
So let’s get more prosaic and talk numbers. In Texas Rick
Perry has introduced the idea of a baccalaureate degree for the cost of no more
than $10K. You may wonder how does this work? Let me explain.
The $10K college degree is related to “dual credit” courses,
and it’s a “win-win” situation in terms of the least common denominator.
Parents save a lot of money for general education courses for their children, in
that their high school kids can take college credit Math, History, Government,
English, Psychology, Sociology, and a few other college transferable courses offered
from the local community college. Usually this means that the “dual credit” class
meets at 7:00 AM, in order to fit in with the busy schedule of these young high
school students. The local community colleges like this because it puts butts
in the seats, and butts in the seats is the basis of their funding, so it
increases their enrollment. If the high school student does it right, he
graduates with nearly 30 to 60 hours toward an Associate’s or Bachelor’s college
degree. And if the college does it right, it can put nearly 25% to 35% of the
student body in enrollment for requisite state and federal funding. With
regulations making for uniformity of coursework in all classes in terms of
measurable student learner outcomes, such students can graduate from high
school with most, if not all, of their college level “general education”
It’s “win-win” situation for both parental and college
Everyone is educated (or accredited), and no one learns
anything. Or at best, what used to be taught in high school is now given
college credit.
Against this “dumbing down” one could speak of an education
in the great books, Plato and Aristotle and such, and with good texts one could
raise the question about the best life simply. One must study such things in a
way to know how to ask the right questions, and it seems that the $10K college
education classes meeting at 7:00 AM in high school could meet this criterion.
In Government class, we read the Declaration, the
Constitution, selections from the Federalist, the Anti-Federalists, Calhoun,
Lincoln and Douglas, Wilson, T and FD Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan, and many
others. We read many good and great current political scientists and political
commentators. We try to understand the debates of American politics as it has
been handed down to us, and as it currently exists—even if it means watching
Stephen Colbert. As a gentle guide, I always try to point toward an understanding
of current issues as best as we can with a view to the common good in terms of
the best that has been thought and done in the American political tradition. We have debates in my class. We have guided debates
that are open to whichever opinions are expressed. We ask how can those
expressed opinions point to the common good (which is a thing in dispute). It’s
a big deal in my class.
But this is all idealizing.
Usually it is a challenge to get Johnny to stay awake in class at 7:00
AM. It is all a joke. And if these basically illiterate students fail it is all
the instructor’s fault, even though no one does the reading or studies for the
tests in the first place. So the teacher engages in serious grade inflation. In
class, the teacher may speak of the importance of deliberation, but these eighteen
year olds (or sixteen year olds) at 7:00 AM have only deliberated with the
forearm that their heads rest on. To be sure, one could fail them all, but then
one would be fired. At 7:00 AM one is just glad that the students show up, and
they get college credit for taking multiple choice scantron tests where
everyone is wasting their time. But they get college credit.
It’s the best of the best, and one ought to be impressed
with such eighteen—or sixteen—year old dedication that shows up at 7:00 AM.
So I think of the band the Replacements. They were were an
‘80s band who raised questions regarding how one ought to live one’s life in a
way that mattered even if it were, or especially if it were, at 7:00 AM. The
album Tim (1985), for instance, had many songs, such as “Swinging Party” which
required one to think about how one lived one’s life up to 7:00 AM . This song
speaks of keeping the party going, but it also speaks of those who are exhausted
by the party itself. So the party is what it is, but it also not enough to
truly satisfy deep spiritual longing. Another song, “Left of the Dial,” speaks
of a way that such a party can’t be captured on the radio that everyone else is
listening to—it is left of the dial. Whatever it is you’re looking for, it is
music left of the dial. It’s played on 88.7, or even more left than that. “College
music” it used to be called, and it was often listened to at 7:00 AM (or 3:00
AM), but it wasn’t listened to in class. The music on the left of the dial
played music that wasn’t the usual music, and you loved that music in part
because it was outside the mainstream class even at 7:00 AM, or more reasonably
at 9:30 AM.
You were looking for something else, and the Replacements sang
to that desire—especially at 7:00 AM. Dual credit courses teach you to wake up
early and nothing much more than that. It’s worth $10K.
Peter Lawler would call such music as the Replacements “emo,”
and he’s probably right about that, but that’s only because he has found out or
at least opened a question regarding the truth of what it means to whine about
one’s own. The truth about who we are is another matter beside whining, but who
we are and what we are supposed to be doing is a worthwhile question even at
7:00 AM.
So the Replacements may not have serious lyrics. Carl Scott
would provide plenty of reasons to place the Replacements as a nothing in
seriousness. After all, they sang songs about a “little mascara” that left you
The Replacements have no songs about brotherly love, and
being an ‘80s Gen X band, they do not speak to the great task that a generation
must take on. Instead they sing personal songs about experiences with flight attendants.
I realize that all these points are ridiculous, but that is
the point. It is a matter of taking such great texts like Plato and Aristotle
or Augustine or even the Federalist Papers, and attempting to show how their
questions address current concerns. The Replacements happen to be a band that
make Pascalian questions of diversion in the face of human finitude and
infinity for real. I see no problem with bringing this issue up, except for the
fact that for some reason the Replacements’ music doesn’t speak to this younger
generation. They’d rather listen to the Boomer music like the Beatles than the
Gen X music of which the Replacements is an exemplary case in point.
Surely it’s the web and globalization that makes the
Replacements a forgotten band. The youth listen to the Beatles and the Rolling
Stones and the Beach Boys and Motown. I’m glad that the youth know all about
this great music, but why don’t they know of the Replacements, and more
importantly, why do they not feel the importance of the Replacements?
The Replacements provide a view of the kind of person that
is to be educated. While their music and
lyrics may be knowing and even prudent, the person speaking in their songs has
no deluded grandiose vision. Trying as best as he can to live a good life in
terms of personal relations, this person doesn’t obsess about political
matters. It’s a music that speaks to ambitions apart from political ambition.
These songs could, a la Springsteen, try to speak to matters beyond his
personal matters. But the Replacements remain eminently personal and particular.
Short of speaking to pubic matters, they don’t impose their personal as
political. Are they libertarian? Far from it! There is a good beyond subjective
morality. But their songs recognize a limit to politics by carving out a
private realm to which politics cannot and ought not touch. In that sense the
Replacements speak of that which transcends the political.
I suppose I ought to teach my students more Springsteen and
less Replacements, but at 7:00 AM I just can’t seem to care. As it is I teach
nothing, even when we read the Federalist Papers. And at 7:00 AM it seems that my
students cannot care for much anything either. The foreheads on their forearms
are more important than even the Replacements or Springsteen or the Federalist
Papers could ever say.
But they get a college education at 7:00 AM regardless, and at
the end of the day it will be worth $10K. These students will discover the
intricacies of their forearms, if only they could listen to the Replacements or,
even more, read the Federalist Papers.
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